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Judge Dawson is dedicated to living life to the fullest and stretching possibilities beyond self imposed thresholds. He has completed 5 marathons, he’s a purple belt in Isshinryu Karate and is a 500 hour certified yoga teacher. In 2021 He opened The Yoga Lab Movement and Yoga Studio where he offers classes with an has a Yoga Teacher Training School to train and certify future yoga teachers.
In order to reach, educate and inspire the community, Judge Dawson authored “The Legal Matrix, How the system is controlling your life” and its companion workbook. His second book, “99 Problems. How Your Failures, Flops & Flaws Can Lead to Your Greatness” aims to further inspire this generation to overcome their obstacles and his latest book “The Cycle Breaker. “Additionally, Judge Dawson creates workbooks, educational manuals and programs that are taught in his Court, organizations and area high schools and he is a respected speaker in the areas of Domestic Violence, Emotional Intelligence and Leadership. Judge Dawson is also on the Ohio Supreme Court Commission on Continuing Legal Education.
Judge Dawson created The Dawson Leadership Institute to develop and train leaders. He is also the founder of the Annie L. Dawson Foundation for Justice, Education & Achievement, which provides mentoring and scholarships for college bound students. Judge Dawson has been featured in the national media Rolling Stone Magazine, CNN, Discovery ID, "Chaos in The Court TV Show", Court TV, Court Network, Local Fox 8 News, Channel 5 news, Channel 3 News, Breathe Magazine, Monarch Magazine and a few more.
Judge William L. Dawson
◼️Judge of the East Cleveland Municipal Court
◼️Author of "The Legal Matrix," "The Cycle Breaker" and several FREE ebooks on Love, Law and Leadership
◼️Life Skills Trainer / Life Skills Coach
◼️Creator of Team Finish First, Cycle Breakers & The ALD Foundation for Justice, Education and Achievement
◼️500 hour Certified Yoga Instructor. Creator of the Power Yoga Flow School of Yoga
◼️Cycle Breaker Academy and The School of Transformation
"Mindful Parenting"
Mindful Parenting in these challenging times takes a full community effort. In this ebook Judge William Dawson and Relationship Coach Tierra Banks breaks down some tools to consider when taking the journey to mindfulness.
The Cycle Breaker
There is a formula to success and a formula to despair. The "Cycle Breaker" follows five men on the path to despair and destruction. They all face legal issues that can change their reality but before they reach their destination they have an opportunity to turn it all around. The new journey is to break the cycles. Through time tested methods and practices these men learn the tools necessary to change their lives and the entire world.
The Cycle Breaker - Digital Download
There is a formula to success and a formula to despair. The "Cycle Breaker" follows five men on the path to despair and destruction. They all face legal issues that can change their reality but before they reach their destination they have an opportunity to turn it all around. The new journey is to break the cycles. Through time tested methods and practices these men learn the tools necessary to change their lives and the entire world.
The Legal Matrix
Judge William Dawson's first book, "The Legal Matrix" details how the system is trying to control you. Speaking in his "Neo" voice from "The Matrix" movie, Judge Dawson gives us insight into the mind of this current criminal legal system and offers ways to avoid being caught in the matrix.
The Legal Matrix - Digital Download
Judge William Dawson's first book, "The Legal Matrix" details how the system is trying to control you. Speaking in his "Neo" voice from "The Matrix" movie, Judge Dawson gives us insight into the mind of this current criminal legal system and offers ways to avoid being caught in the matrix.
12 Things You Can Do To Be A Cycle Breaker
Being a Cycle Breaker is a total life changing event however the path is simple. Judge Dawson outlines 12 things that you can do right now to start your journey to transformation.
12 Things That You Can Do To Be A Cycle Breaker
Judge Dawson's 12 actions items that we can all take to immediately break cycles in our lives, community or world.
99 Problem.. How your failures, flow and flaws can lead to your greatness.
We all have problems, in fact you probably have more than 99, however these problems that can turn into failures, flops and flaws can actually lead to your greatness. This book is full of short quotes, statements and reminders of just how great you are!
Breaking Cycles Vol. 2
There is a formula to being successful and breaking the cycles that keep you bound to failure. Let's create your best life.
One More Thing Before You Graduate
Judge Dawson's heavily sought after graduation speech that's relevant for all levels of graduation or elevation to your next level
Always At The Bar
Leadership Ebook from Judge Dawson
The Bar - The Good and The Bad - A Leadership Twist
New Program from The School of Transformation!
"Character Building 101"
The School of Transformation
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Judge Dawson's Programs That Promote Correction with COMPASSION
1. The School of Transformation (formerly "being on probation")
2. Community Service Opportunities
3. Domestic Violence Task Force
4. PRO Club for people who come through the East Cleveland Court to participate in FREE Yoga Classes
The "STOP" Domestic Violence Taskforce is a think tank & support group for those struggling through domestic violence, recovering from it or simply concerned about how domestic violence is destroying our families and communities.
Domestic Violence is the quiet terroism that goes on in private. No one talks about the abuse they give or live with. We need to create a platform and voice for those suffering.
By purchasing a t-shirt, wearing it, giving it out we are bringing awareness. With more awareness we create better solutions which will lead to better outcomes.
By donating to the cause you will help us provide programing & support to victims. One specific program will be yoga classes for victims. At the Yoga Lab in Cleveland Heights, Ohio we will create a safe and supportive environment where domestic violence victims can regain their voice and strength. Your donation will help fund the classes. The more donations we receive, the more people we can serve.
Every month we will host a zoom / clubhouse form so that we can discuss ideals, plans, support each other and celebrate survival.
Meditation Break with Judge Dawson
The Cycle Breaker
There is a formula to success and a formula to despair. The "Cycle Breaker" follows five men on the path to despair and destruction. They all face legal issues that can change their reality but before they reach their destination they have an opportunity to turn it all around. The new journey is to break the cycles. Through time tested methods and practices these men learn the tools necessary to change their lives and the entire world.
The Cycle Breaker - Digital Download
There is a formula to success and a formula to despair. The "Cycle Breaker" follows five men on the path to despair and destruction. They all face legal issues that can change their reality but before they reach their destination they have an opportunity to turn it all around. The new journey is to break the cycles. Through time tested methods and practices these men learn the tools necessary to change their lives and the entire world.
The Legal Matrix
Judge William Dawson's first book, "The Legal Matrix" details how the system is trying to control you. Speaking in his "Neo" voice from "The Matrix" movie, Judge Dawson gives us insight into the mind of this current criminal legal system and offers ways to avoid being caught in the matrix.
53 Ways To Beat The Holiday Blues
Holidays are not the best days for everybody. "53 Ways To Beat The Holiday Blues" will help us continue to stay emotionally balanced during these possibility turbulent times.
The Legal Matrix - Digital Download
Judge William Dawson's first book, "The Legal Matrix" details how the system is trying to control you. Speaking in his "Neo" voice from "The Matrix" movie, Judge Dawson gives us insight into the mind of this current criminal legal system and offers ways to avoid being caught in the matrix.
12 Things You Can Do To Be A Cycle Breaker
Being a Cycle Breaker is a total life changing event however the path is simple. Judge Dawson outlines 12 things that you can do right now to start your journey to transformation.
12 Things That You Can Do To Be A Cycle Breaker
Judge Dawson's 12 actions items that we can all take to immediately break cycles in our lives, community or world.
99 Problem.. How your failures, flow and flaws can lead to your greatness.
We all have problems, in fact you probably have more than 99, however these problems that can turn into failures, flops and flaws can actually lead to your greatness. This book is full of short quotes, statements and reminders of just how great you are!
Breaking Cycles Vol. 2
There is a formula to being successful and breaking the cycles that keep you bound to failure. Let's create your best life.
Always At The Bar
Leadership Ebook from Judge Dawson
The Bar - The Good and The Bad - A Leadership Twist
One More Thing Before You Graduate
Judge Dawson's heavily sought after graduation speech that's relevant for all levels of graduation or elevation to your next level